Monday, January 12, 2009

A Brew Year

With the new year comes brew resolutions. I don't typically believe in resolutions because they are more often than not goals we tend to break. But these are resolutions I feel I can live up to, and if I don't, no big deal.

1) be more consistent with my technique
2) keep better notes on tasting, etc
3) better planning/execution
4) make a 9% or higher
5) make a lager

As for the brew-off, my brew day went pretty well. No big surprises, or accidents, or anything. Very smooth, just the way I like it. I tasted the beer for the first time the other day. It was still young, and I don't think it was completely fermented (FG is supposed to be 1.010, it was around 1.016), but it was mighty tasty! Very smooth caramel flavor with a very nice hop balance. I was originally going to bottle this and put the Rye IPA on tap, but I think those plans will have to be switched. I'd really like an easy drinker like this on tap about now.

It's also about time to get started on my St. Patty's Day brews - a red and a stout. I was goingto start this past weekend but just didn't get around to it. So I'll get the red started next weekend before we go on vacation, then brew up the stout a week after we get back. That way I can get a good couple weeks of the red on the yeast, plus pitch the stout right onto the same cake. Hooray for planning!

Rolf's Irish Red

6.5 lb Marris Otter
1 lb Brown Sugar
0.5 lb Dextrine
0.25 lb Chocolate malt
0.25 lb Flaked Oats
1 oz Challenger hops (60)

Anticipated OG 1.051
Anticipated FG 1.013
IBU 22
SRM 16

Guiness Clone
6.75 lb Marris Otter
2.5 lb Flaked Barley
1.12 lb Roasted Barley
2 oz Acid Malt
2 oz East Kent Golding hops (60)

Anticipated OG 1.044
Anticipated FG 1.012
IBU 32
SRM 25

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