Saturday, March 7, 2009

Finally, a Wee Heavy

I finally got around to brewing up that wee heavy. I ended up switching recipes at the last minute and going with one that I know has been tested, as opposed to the trial run I was going for originally. I missed my starting gravity by 8 pts (got 1.087), which isn't bad at all for that sized beer. I had to ferment it in the utility sink immersed in cold water to keep the temp in the low 60's, and it worked.
I got the recipe from the Jamil Show on The Brewing Network.

19 lb 9 oz Maris Otter
1 lb 3 oz Crystal 40L
9 oz Special B
2 oz Roast Barley

1.2 oz Norther Brewer @ 60 min (25 IBU)
Scottish Ale yeast with a 5 qt starter.

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