Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I woke up Sunday morning and picked up a voice mail from the head of our condo association. The message said something to the affect of "people have noticed you brewing... something in your garage. And we're concerned that it's a fire hazard and would like you to stop immediately." I had to wait until Monday to speak with someone from the Fire Department, and indeed, in multi-unit dwellings (we live in a town home), open flames are not permitted within ten feet of constructed walls.
OK, I get it, I was violating the law, and I'm fine with the fact that I can't do that anymore. It's a huge bummer because it means I can't brew outdoors anymore, which means I have to limit myself to 3 gallon batches as opposed to 5.5 or 11. What bugs me though, is that the person who called to complain didn't bother to come talk to me. We do have one set of neighbors that have seen me brewing and have asked and were intrigued to find out what it was. I wish more people were like them.
I've been told that I should just skirt the law and brew with the garage door closed (open the yard door for ventilation). But I don't want to get in trouble, and I know the person who called it in and it's beneath him to call the police if he thinks I'm still violating code.
So, until the day we move, I'll be brewing small batches. Hey, at least that means I can experiment more with unique or strange brews.